If you are interested in finding the best local produce, learning more about organic fruit and veg or maybe growing some of your own, here are some organic links that may be useful:

Soil Association – our certifying body has a comprehensive website covering organic certification, growing, health and environmental benefits, courses on organic farms and a lot more.

Garden Organic – A charity dedicated to researching and promoting organic gardening. Have many good resources for organic gardeners (especially members) including data sheets and information on courses.

Food Assembly –  also known as La Ruche qui dit Oui! in France, this website is aimed at enabling the general public to purchase high-quality food while supporting small-scale producers, who create jobs and foster social well-being. 

Charles Dowding – A fellow organic grower, author and a proponent of ‘no dig’ methods of growing. His books are great for every level of gardener.

Orange Pippin – a very good website dedicated to everything to do with apples and orchards. Try looking up the apples that we grow on the farm – Spartan, Fiesta, Discovery, Herefordshire Russet, Grenadier and Bramley.

The Whitchurch Web – This website provides information on Whitchurch and businesses in the local area.